Opportunities don't just happen, you create them.

Chris Grosser


We’re all in different stages in our career and life journeys, and are all on different paths.  Some people know their direction and vocation but need help figuring out how to get there.  Others are exploring their options to see which path gives them maximum career satisfaction, while others just need a little help with their resume or social media profiles.  Check out our services below and let’s work together to help you reach your destination with clarity, certainty and efficiency.

Our Job Search package includes a transferable skills assessment and an evaluation of which of these skills you want to carry forward into a new job.  We then tackle your resume, focusing on the strengths and skills you already have, and finding the best way to promote them.  If there are skills gaps we’ll address them but I believe in focusing on your strengths and tailoring them for the job, not focusing on what you don’t have.  We’ll talk about cover letters as well since they are still needed in modern job searching.

A key part of a successful job search is networking, and this is often overlooked by the causal job hunter.  There are proven ways to make connection that get results, and you will learn all about them.  Then we’ll go over how to brand and market yourself so you get noticed.  It’s one thing to have a killer resume and some awesome skills but unless someone else knows what you can do they don’t get you very far. It’s all about being proactive and setting yourself up to be the person that an employer just has to hire!  Of course, there will be plenty of follow up on my end help keep you focused, and I’m always around for help!

And yes, there will be homework!

What it includes:

  • Review of your work history and career goals
  • Strengths, skills and personal values assessments (at no extra cost)
  • Resume review (additional cost for resume revision)
  • Social media (LinkedIn and Facebook) profile review
  • Networking strategies to get you connected to the right people
  • Job search strategies that get results
  • Interview preparation and follow-up
  • Regular accountability checks, action step planning and free consultations up to 2 months
Time frame: 6 to 8 weeks, depending on your specific needs and progress


Career Exploration

Proven and productive job searching strategies are crucial in getting you the job you want, but Destination Vocation was founded to help those people who aren’t sure what they want to do, and how to use their abilities to help them reach their goal.  I can’t tell you how many times I heard “I don’t know what I want to do when I grow up”.  And that’s from experienced professionals with decades of experience, not just from people new to the job market.  Our Career Exploration package is designed just for those folks!  We spend a lot of time going over your story and your life so this is your chance to look in the mirror and see what you really need to be happy… and to figure out what your vocation really is!

Career is a big part of things but it’s not the only thing, so we talk about your needs and wants and the lifestyle you are hoping to achieve.  We do a deep dive into your life to see what strengths and skills you want to use going forward, and then we explore some career paths that match you interests, skills and personal values.  That last part is key.  Does work schedule flexibility mean more to you than salary?  Does working in a team get you fired up, or do you do your best going solo?  Once we figure all this out then we move into the job search with a renewed focus and energy… and with a concrete plan!

Maybe you are thinking this is all well and good but I don’t have the skills, or motivation, or confidence, or (fill in the blank).  That’s OK because we talk about these things as well.  There are ways to deal with any obstacles and limiting beliefs you may have and there are proven methods to get you past those roadblocks that have kept you from getting what you want in life.  I know how you feel because I’ve been through all these things myself!  We can do this… together!

What it includes:

  • Discussion of your life story – what inspires you and what challenges you face
  • Review of your work history and define what work means to you
  • Discuss and work through any blocks or negative self talk, and review coping strategies
  • Assess you strengths, skills, interests and personal values and determine how they fit with your career path
  • Develop possible career pathways and set goals to achieve them
  • Resume review (additional cost for resume revision)
  • Social media (LinkedIn and Facebook) profile review and personal branding suggestions
  • Review of networking and job search strategies
  • Regular accountability checks, ongoing discussion regarding roadblock, action step planning and free consultations up to 4 months
Time frame: 2 to 3 months, depending on your specific needs and progress

Specialized Services

If you only have a specific need that you want help with, we offer Specialized (as needed) Services on an hourly rate basis.  Sometimes all you need is to tweak your resume or polish up your online presence. Having an outside set of eyes can make all the difference!  Some examples of services clients request include:

  • Resume revisions or rewrites
  • Social media profile revisions or creation
  • Personal marketing – creating a focused personal brand based on your career goal
  • Networking strategies (making strategic connections, social media branding, follow-up strategies)
  • Interviewing tips and preparation
  • Motivational check-ins