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Do You Work on the Weekends?

Do you work on the weekends?  Well, it seems that people are doing that more now than ever before.  A 2022 survey by ActivTrak found that people work on average a little over 6 hours on the weekend.  That’s up 5% over 2021.

Doing More With Less

It’s worse for people working in the computer hardware sector, who work almost twice the number of weekend hours compared to the average.  Not surprisingly, in the layoff-affected tech fields, the main reason is likely due to covering for the staffing shortfall since you have to “do more with less”.  I used to work in a science field, and I’ve been through the “do more with less” scenario a few times and it’s not fun.  The problem is that you get so used to it that you barely notice the toll it’s taking on you, and the stress it causes.

Workplace stress has been with us for generations, and COVID really amped it up.  You would think the post-COVID world would lighten the pressure a bit but still, 83% of workers in 2002 reported being stressed at work.  83%!  Add to that the recent layoffs (and fear of layoffs) and it’s a pretty stressful time.  Even so, many people are happy to go from one high-pressure job into another one, just because that’s what they know and they don’t see any options.

Know What You Are Getting Into

I’ve been working with plenty of people lately who are trying to get into new positions immediately after being let go, and who want a similar or higher salary.  Sure, go for it but don’t be shy to ask about staffing levels and what the company’s work expectations are for you.  While you are at it, try to get a sense of the workplace culture and see if they are really taking care of their employees.  They probably won’t come right out and say that you are expected to work 50+ hour work weeks but make some connections, do some digging, and get a feel for how the company operates.  

Will they be staffing up later this year to meet demand, or will they keep their “do more with less” philosophy as a long-term cost cutting strategy?  It might be hard to determine, but ask around and see if that great salary comes with an unwritten expectation that you will have to miss a few of your daughter’s soccer games because you have to get the work done.

As I always say, your career should serve your life, not the other way around.  Along with the benefits and incentive package that comes with a job offer, try to get a sense of what the real work demands are, especially in a time of short-staffing.  As the survey shows, people are working more weekend hours than a year ago, and there is a lot of research that shows that work stress levels are at an all-time high.  Make sure you know what you are getting into when you consider a job offer, and ask yourself if it’s really worth it.  Don’t underestimate how much your peace of mind is worth!

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Do You Work on the Weekends?

Do you work on the weekends?  Well, it seems that people are doing that more now than ever before.  A 2022 survey by ActivTrak found