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Explore Your Career Options and Find Your Calling – Part 4 of 4

I ended Part 3 of this blog series talking about those roadblocks that have held us back from having the life and career we want.  So, how do you deal with these roadblocks?  Take procrastination for example.  One technique that works for a lot of people is to make some simple, short-term goals and then take small steps that move you in a direction.  They can be simple steps, like writing a follow-up email on a job application, or making a connection on LinkedIn, but they should be done daily.  Individually, these are small steps but they build momentum, and they also get you into a habit of action, rather than procrastination.  There are plenty of strategies like this to deal with the other blocks you may be facing so have faith, Explorer.  You can do this and leave those old habits in the past where they belong.

Take Strategic Action

So, now you’ve done some self-reflection, gotten some feedback from others and have a better sense of what you want in a career.  You’ve also faced your fears and self-imposed limitations and are ready to get to work.  Great!  Now we can start moving ahead with confidence that you are going in a worthwhile and satisfying career direction.  You also did the hard work to figure out what’s holding you back so you can feel good about moving ahead and know that you won’t be repeating the same old cycle that got you stuck in the first place.

Now that you have better clarity and focus, you can start taking action!  This is where you can start kicking your career search into high gear and start taking strategic steps that can yield amazing results.  Having a polished resume and LinkedIn profile are important at this stage, now that you have a better understanding of which direction you are heading.  With your newfound clarity you will also want to be sure to work on your personal brand, which is the image you want to convey as you move forward.  A good career coach can help with those things but there is plenty of information online that can get you started.  From there you can start doing strategic networking and making connections that can help you in the near-term and beyond.

One thing that’s important is to develop a job search plan as you start reaching out to people and companies. One of the hardest things about being a Career Explorer is keeping the momentum going and staying focused.  It’s easy to fall back on old habits, even with the new coping skills you developed.  A well-crafted job search plan can keep you on track and give you results in less time than you expected.  A job search shouldn’t be a full-time job, but with a solid and strategic plan, and steady progress, you will be ahead of the game when it comes to the majority of job seekers.  

Change is Good… and Needed

Fear of change is a big challenge for most people.  The easy thing to do is stay put and ride things out and hope that everything gets better.  But as a Career Explorer you know that’s no longer an option.  In reality, change is rarely as hard as you think, but not changing can be harder than you imagine.  Stepping out of your comfort zone is unsettling, but with good coping strategies, a little self-knowledge, a support system of friends and family, and a good plan you will soon realize that it’s the best thing you can do.  Once you have clarity and start moving forward, you’ll find that all sorts of possibilities open up and that career fulfillment isn’t just a dream but is truly possible.  Good job, Career Explorer, for being brave and knowing that change is needed for your own good.  The future’s looking brighter already!

More To Explore

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Do You Work on the Weekends?

Do you work on the weekends?  Well, it seems that people are doing that more now than ever before.  A 2022 survey by ActivTrak found